Thomas Belli, Operations Manager, holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Economics / Accounting from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a Master’s in Business Administration from California State University, Northridge. He has an extensive background in banking and financing, and prior to working in finance, Mr. Belli was a Sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps, serving in the reserves from 2004-2011 at Camp Pendleton and Miramar Air Station. His accomplishments vary from starting and selling a tech business (Find Me Gluten Free), to providing financing for nearly every commercial property type including healthcare facilities across California and the USA. Over his tenure, he has funded over $1.5B in real estate and operational financing.
Mr. Belli currently donates his time & services, serving as the Secretary of the Board of Directors to Valley Village, a not-for-profit, which helps adults with developmental disabilities in Los Angeles.